Sunday, May 3, 2020

Oil Drilling free essay sample

No Oil Drilling In Protected Areas Oil, or petroleum, is a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons and rock minerals found below the earths surface. When the oil is extracted from the ground it is then refined into various gases or fuels and as a raw material, it can be used to make plastic, pesticides and many more uses. Oil drilling is a process of perforating the earth’s surface and rock layers to extract fossil fuels or oil for energy productions. Oil is found all over the world and it is drilled in many countries. It is formed from the organic decay of plants and animals that existed millions of years ago. Although oil is very useful but drilling it is commonly associated with environmental damages, as it requires the disruption and depletion of certain lands and their resources. As oil grows scarcer, companies look for more places to drill, and many now have their eyes on protected wildlife areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Oil Drilling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although drilling oil in Belize could be useful to the society therefore it should be banned from the protected areas because it will destroy the land, threatened endangered species and loss of ecosystems. Oil drilling will cause destruction to the land and pollution to the atmosphere. Drilling often requires the construction of roads, lodgings, oil derricks, and other buildings, which can be unsightly and disrupts the composition and fertility of the soil, as well as the drainage patterns that form naturally within it. This can have devastating effects on plant growth, as soil becomes either too polluted or too wet or dry to support life. In the case where there is too much deforestation, this can leads to destroying natural habitat and erosion of the soil causing another challenge to the land. When oil is drilled, it can result in spills on the land. This oil spilled seeps into underlying groundwater affecting us as humans. Although it is used to make fuels and gases for us to make our life easy but when these are burned, they releases toxic substances in the atmosphere which can be harmful for the environment and even us. Many endangered species are going to be threatened in the protected areas. These animals and plants that live or are secured in the protected areas are to be saved from extinction. We are not supposed to be demolishing their homes and life. Therefore there should be no oil drilling in these protected areas. If oil is drilled, we will lose the beauty of our land and affecting or killing endangered species. Some species depends on other species for survival. Once the oil is pumped to the surface, it occasionally leads to accidental spills and this can be detrimental to wildlife especially endangered species that are in the areas and destroys their habitat. Plants are covered with the oil when it is spilled and animals that feed on these plants get infected damaging inside their bodies leading them to death. Other animals that feed on these infected animals also get infected. While other the oil stick to their bodies, especially birds avoiding them to breathe or even moving. Therefore we must not allow oil to be drilled in protected areas since it affect animals and plants life. Destroying protected areas will result in the loss of ecosystems. Drilling in protected wildlife areas can also disrupt food chains, as some animals are able to stop hunting and scavenging by feeding on the trash left by workers. Food sources are wiped out in spills, meaning that spilled oil covers and kills not only the flora and fauna but animals that rely on them for food will also be affected by starvation. When predators are forced to eat affected food, they can become poisoned from ingesting oil-soaked tissue. Although drilling oil in Belize protected areas can be useful to the society but it has negative effects on wildlife, especially our endangered species and also the environment. Oil drilling operations has effects on future generations. Despite all of the uses that we have for oil, it can be hazardous to the environment and ecosystem. Therefore in order for us to maintain a clean environment, we should not be drilling oil in protected areas but protecting it for future generations. Let us emphasize on being environmentally friendly and protecting nature from losing its beauty. References: * Oil. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago:Â  Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010.

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